7 Safety Tips In Cruise Ships

October 12, 2020

Keep in mind the various safety precautions when going on a cruise to maximize enjoyment during your voyage.

Going on a cruise is probably one of the best holidays that couples and families can embark on. Travelers can look forward to a lot of fun because of the many exciting onboard activities in cruise ships such as shows, a lively nightlife, ziplines, water slides, rock-climbing, go-karting, and swimming, just to name a few. 

Safety tips in cruise ships

7 Safety Tips In Cruise Ships 

    Because of the numerous activity options available in cruise ships, it can also, be a great vacation opportunity for you and your little ones. Furthermore, if you want to cover a good number of tourist destinations as you travel, then going on a cruise is a great choice. 

    Safety while cruising 

    While cruise ships are generally built for safety, it will not hurt to take extra precautions though. 

    Here are some other considerations regarding cruise ship safety, so that you can be prepared for the vacation of a lifetime and stay safe for the duration. 

    1. Be attentive to your own well-being 

    First of all, be vigilant of your own safety. When you are exploring cruise ships, always be on the lookout for slippery floors and items that may cause you to fall. Also, when you are having fun in the upper decks, watch out for opening where you might fall. 

    Cruise ships docked in bay
    Photo by 10 Star from Pexels

    For one, there are thousands of passengers aboard a vessel. As such, while cruise staff personnel are well-trained for emergencies, it can be quite challenging at times to expect immediate attention should anything untoward occur simultaneously. 

    A good practice when going on cruises, or when traveling in general, would be to bring your own first aid kit. Pack medicines for headaches, allergies, stomachaches, and insect bites. Lastly, it goes without saying that you should never forget to bring your maintenance medication with you when you climb aboard the cruise ship. 

    2. Familiarize yourself with the cruise ship’s emergency procedures 

    One of the best pieces of information to arm yourself with is the ship’s evacuation plan. It’s usually located in a conspicuous location like the cabin door or your room wall. Also, make sure that there are enough lifejackets in your room for you and your loved ones. 

    Also, if the cruise staff conducts a safety drill on the first day of your voyage, participate in it. You will be shown the path going to the lifeboat station, a very important aspect of your journey that you should know. 

    Lastly, ask the cruise staff to show you how the lifeboat is released to avoid panic during emergencies. 

    3. Know the local emergency numbers when you disembark 

    Not only that, but you should also be mindful of your safety when you disembark during your tours and stopovers. Generally, land tour itineraries are well-planned and take into consideration tourist safety. However, accidents do occur albeit very seldom. 

    Cruise ship as viewed from the beach
    Photo by Dana Tennis from Pexels

    As such, you should always be mindful of the local protocols for travelers. Moreover, try to know local emergency hotlines in your next destination so that you would know where to call should anything unfortunate happens to you. 

    For example, when you are touring the historic homes in New Orleans and you suddenly encounter a car accident, you can quickly find out more info by calling a car accident lawyer in New Orleans

    Furthermore, ask about no-go areas during your land excursions. The itineraries prepared by tour organizers adhere to the utmost passenger security. However, if you do decide to explore on your own, be careful in areas that are not arranged to accommodate tourists. 

    The same thing applies when you are in Sydney or in Manila; always balance the pleasure with attentiveness to safety on land. 

    4. Stay in your room during storms 

    The open sea can be extremely turbulent during storms. Don’t panic though because cruise ships are built to withstand punishing waves and beating winds. However, heavy items can move and slide as the ship is buoyed up by the waves. 

    These items can cause serious injuries when they hit you so it’s always wise to stay in a safe place, such as your cabin, during such situations. 

    5. Bring a flashlight 

    Cruise ships are illuminated with bright onboard lights at night. You can thus be sure that hallways and walkways have ample visibility during evenings. 

    Lifeboats in cruise ship
    Photo courtesy of pexels.com

    However, in the unfortunate event of a power outage, it can become pitch black because there are no other sources of light at sea except for the moon and the stars. 

    It can be quite panic-inducing also if you are staying in an interiors cabin where there are no windows and zero-visibility even if you open the door. 

    Blackouts are rare though. Just the same, it’s always a good idea to travel with a small but powerful LED flashlight, which you can easily grab during emergencies. 

    6. Drink responsibly 

    Cruising is a time to relax and enjoy alcohol. There are plenty of amazing drinks to choose from in the ship’s bar. However, that does not mean that you will drink carelessly. 

    As in any situation, consume alcohol based on your capacity to drink. Otherwise, you will be inviting trouble that can be as worst as toppling overboard. 

    7. Prepare a travel tray 

    A travel tray can be anything – a box, a container, a bowl, or even a plate. It’s just a holder where you place the personal items that you use the most like your watch, your wallet, your phone, or jewelry. 

    It’s important to have a travel tray because, in the event of an evacuation, you won’t have to search for each of your personal items. You can just grab your travel tray and go. 

    Moreover, if you suspect that something has been stolen from you, you can easily find out what it is since you know that you place your small articles in a travel tray. 


    Embarking on a cruise holiday is one of the best travel experiences for couples and families. It’s like a big sailing adventure highlighted by stopovers and land tours to famous destinations. 

    How to be safe in cruise ships

    However enjoyable it is though, there are risks involved during the entire voyage. As such, it would not hurt to take extra precaution at sea as it is on land.

    Also read: 

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    1. It is great to hear cruising is on its way back. I have never been on one but if itis safe I will definitely consider it.

    2. I haven't been on a cruise in over ten years. I can't imagine how different they will be after last year!

    3. If I ever get a chance to go on a real cruise these tips will definitely be at the top of my list of things to think about! Kelli A

    4. These are all great tips. With things the way they are now, we need to make sure that we do everything in our power to stay as safe as possible.

    5. These are good tips to know. I will remember them when I go on a cruise

    6. Richelle Escat26 July 2021 at 19:19

      Being in a cruise ship is just one of my dreams to accomplish as of now, but thanks for sharing, I'll keep these in mind!

    7. Scarlett Brooklyn26 July 2021 at 22:24

      These are really great tips, I'll keep this in mind, in case.

    8. I have never been on a cruise, so these tips would really come in handy if and when we can do this.

    9. This post is really informative, I can’t wait to go on my next cruise.

    10. This post is really informative, I can’t wait to go on my next cruise.

    11. Hopefully these tips will help many have a safe trip. Thanks for sharing.

    12. It's so beautiful to have cruise vacation. It's a unique experience that's why it's important to be always safe!

    13. These are some wonderful tips. My husband and I have been talking about taking a cruise somewhere with the kids. I'm glad I saw these tips. I'll keep them all in mind.

    14. Riding in a cruise ship is really awesome but can be scary, thanks to these tips!

    15. This was really informative. I've never been on a cruise before so it helps to know if we do get to go.

    16. We love cruises, right now we are waiting a bit more before we go on a cruise again, but I cannot wait to sail again

    17. Quite a number of things may have changed as a result of the pandemic. However, I still look forward to cruising along the European coast

    18. These are great tips for safe travels. We like to try to think of everything before we go on a trip, and these cover a lot of good points.

    19. These are great tips for safe cruise. I am not travelling this year. May be next year everything little under control love to travel. Thanks for shairng this tip.

    20. Hyun Jang Nim8 May 2022 at 03:14

      Wow thanks for sharing this po 😊 very helpful especially the travel tray idea 😃 I'll take note of this 😃

    21. My son was on a cargo ship for 3 months and those waters got rough at times. He learned quickly to keep his coffee away from his papers

    22. AiringMyLaundry8 May 2022 at 03:16

      I love these tips. I'll keep them in mind if I ever make it on a cruise. I hope so!

    23. Great list! Cruising is my favorite and I have to admit I dared a short river cruise last month. I couldn't agree more with your options

    24. I have never been on a cruise but I sure hope to go on one eventually. These are great tips to make sure you are safe on your trip.

    25. Oh these are good tips! When I do take a Cruise I’ll be sure to use these!

    26. Thank you. Wow, a river cruise sounds exciting, too!

    27. Thank you. Yup, these are handy tips when going on a cruise.

    28. Haha. Yup, that's true. It can get really rough out there.

    29. Welcome po. Glad to know that it helped you. :)

    30. for me it was better than nothing and I have a thing for boats and ships of any kind
