Wordless Wednesday: Medical Trash Art

July 13, 2022

Sharing this photo of an artwork made of medical waste.

This photo of a sculpture made of medical waste was taken way back in 2008. It was a time before social media was a thing so you could say that I’d just want to take this opportunity to finally share this interesting piece of trash art in this blog.

Medical trash art

Wordless Wednesday: Medical Trash Art

Anyway, this was part of an open-air exhibition on the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) grounds. We just came from a very late meeting at the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) or the Central Bank of the Philippines and we passed by a set of curious yet somewhat creepy-looking sculptures.

Nonetheless, we stopped and parked our car, then checked out the free exhibit. It was already dark at that time, around seven in the evening, and there weren’t any other people around us but our curious minds told us to just explore. We soon realized that the sculptures were made of medical waste — metals from wheelchairs, X-ray films, syringes, and so on.

They didn’t make sense at first but the art pieces soon evolved to be beautiful crafts that sent two strong messages: there is indeed beauty everywhere (even in threat and chaos) and that we really should take proper waste disposal seriously.

I did find the art pieces to be beautiful that’s why I took advantage of the opportunity to take photos even if I were using a less powerful point-and-shoot Sony camera.

Furthermore, I understand that this photo may have been taken more than a decade ago but the message still resonates up to this day, especially during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic when the surge of medical waste and used personal protective equipment have become a problem to worry about.

I guess this post is also meant to be a reminder for all of us to do our part in being mindful of conserving our resources as well as proper waste disposal.

Don’t you think that this photo is still relevant to this day? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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  1. Yes indeed. We need to be aware of both. Excellent reminder.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ☺

  2. Medical waste is huge problem. This is a cool way to do art.

  3. What a powerful shot. It's a shame there is so much waste out there.

  4. I love to see pieces like this. I think all art is amazing. You never know what someone can create, and I love it.

  5. Richelle Milar15 July 2022 at 02:36

    This is a really wonderful post. Seeing that photo makes me realize how important it is to know how to do proper waste disposal.

  6. Rose Ann Sales15 July 2022 at 02:38

    That was a really wonderful art, as early as possible I am trying to teach my kids how to recycle and do a proper waste disposal.

  7. Mindful waste management will always be relevant, as long as we continue to make waste- medical or otherwise.

  8. Our resources are finite. This is such a great reminder for us to conserve our resources as well as give importance to waste disposal.

  9. That certainly is different for an art exhibition. It really does make you stop and think.

  10. I love art! It's amazing to see how creative people can be!

  11. How interesting. It really does bring to light how much waste there is.

  12. I think we are doing much better when it comes to waste. I wish more could be done in the future.

  13. I totally agree we do have to be mindful of not being so waste full on anything

  14. I hate waste, I wish everyone would be considerate about waste and help keep it clean.

  15. The exhibit sounds really interesting. I generally enjoy art made from unusual materials.

  16. What a beautiful piece of art with a powerful message! Thanks for sharing this with us :)

    Everything Enchanting 🙂
