4 Amazing Reasons To See The Light Up The Xacobeo

December 26, 2021

The Light up the Xacobeo initiative gives travelers another good reason to travel to Spain.

Spain has always been one of the countries that I’ve long wanted to visit because every element of the country seems magnificent. From the architecture, to the food, to the culture and traditions, everything about Spain seems hard to resist. Even events in Spain, such as the Light up the Xacobeo, have their own unique flavor and surprises for travelers that’s why are definitely worth seeing.

Light Up The Xacobeo Spain

4 Amazing Reasons To See The Light Up The Xacobeo

    What is the Light up the Xacobeo?

    The Light up the Xacobeo is an initiative where more than a hundred monuments and unique buildings throughout Spain are illuminated to mark the beginning of the Xacobeo (Holy Year) 2021. 

    Light up the Xacobeo Catedral Santiago de Compostela
    Catedral Santiago de Compostela

    As the Holy Year was extended to 2022 due to the COVID 19 and the restrictions to traveling, we will be able to enjoy again this amazing spectacle to start the year 2022. More than 52 buildings along the Way in Spain will be part of this initiative.

    Two Saint James parishes in the Philippines, namely those in Alabang and Ibaan, Batangas, will join the celebrations until the 7th of January 7. The response from the parishes has been overwhelming so the project might be extended and light up other Saint James churches along 2022, together with planned exhibitions and conferences.

    What to expect in the Light up the Xacobeo

    While it may sound like a religious event, Light up the Xacobeo is actually more than that. Yes, there are churches and cathedrals included in the Light of the Xacobeo but there are also other buildings and activities that travelers can look forward to. Here they are:

    1. It’s an opportunity to see the best that Spain has to offer

    Travelling the Way of Saint James is taking a very special journey through Spain. For many people it’s a totally unique adventure that they would repeat in a heartbeat. 

    Light up the Xacobeo Centro Botin Santander
    Centro Botin Santander

    Embarking on this historical route represents an experience that is a combination of personal challenge, finding oneself, sport, nature and an interest in history and art. And if your trip coincides with a Jacobean, or Holy Year, the experience will be all the more exceptional.

    2. Light of the Xacobeo is like traveling through history

    Almost every step of the Jacobean route reveals a surprise in the form of a monument, work of art or cultural manifestation. 

    Cathedrals, bridges, monasteries, palaces, small churches, popular architectural constructions and so on, some of which are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In addition to the wealth of heritage, the Way of Saint James also offers visitors the chance to experience the local culture through the festivals and typical traditions of each place.

    3. Taste the best that Spain has to offer

    When you do the Way of Saint James, sitting down to a good meal to recharge your batteries is usually one of the best moments of the day. Among other reasons, because it’s when you get the chance to sample some of the area’s typical dishes and products. 

    The gastronomy of the different regions along the route is full of delicious recipes and traditional flavors, prepared using quality local, seasonal produce.

    4. Meet fellow travelers

    It is hard to feel left out on the Way of Saint James. Throughout the journey you will meet friendly strangers willing to help the pilgrims. 

    Light up the Xacobeo cathedral

    You’ll meet people of all ages and from all walks of life who have come from all over the world and you’ll make new friends. These are special and unique days where you will experience enriching moments at both a human and personal level.


    Many people say that there is something spiritual about the Jacobean route, and not just because of its religious origin and tradition. 

    There are many people who go on the Camino driven by the need or desire to know themselves better, devote time to thinking and seeking inner peace. So the journey to Santiago de Compostela can also become an inner journey that will stay with you for years to come.

    Just walk. Buen Camino.

    For the most updated travel safe information in visiting Spain, please visit: https://travelsafe.spain.info/en/.

    Light up the Xacobeo in Spain

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    1. I have their own unique flavor and surprises for travelers that’s why are definitely worth seeing. I'm sure that these four reason will surely arose the interest of every traveler to visit the country

    2. That so Lovely Place and Must visit !Looks so Enjoying!More Blessings to come!sir
